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Anglican General Synod

Anglican Church in Aotearoa, New Zealand and Polynesia

Te Hāhi Mihinare ki Aotearoa ki Niu Tīreni, ki Ngā Moutere o te Moana Nui a Kiwa

The Archbishop of Canterbury (UK)

The Most Reverend (vacant from 6 Jan 2025)
Tel: 020 7898 1200 (switchboard)

To contact the Archbishop of Canterbury or his staff, please write to:

Lambeth Palace




Tel: 020 7898 1200 (switchboard)

Fax: 020 7401 9886

It is also possible to email Lambeth Palace using the following address:

(Please note: You must retype this address when sending an email)

This general email address may be used to contact the Archbishop's office at Lambeth Palace. All messages will be read, but we cannot promise a reply.

The Archbishop's Website is:

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