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Anglican General Synod

Anglican Church in Aotearoa, New Zealand and Polynesia

Te Hāhi Mihinare ki Aotearoa ki Niu Tīreni, ki Ngā Moutere o te Moana Nui a Kiwa


AAW - Association of Anglican Women

The Aims of the Association

  • To unite in prayer and participate in the mission of the Church.
  • To promote, safeguard and nurture Christian family life.

About the AAW
The AAW was formed in September 1969. It is an Anglican New Zealand-wide organisation which also includes Polynesia. It is open to all women, and we have our own national magazine entitled the "CIRCLE". There are branches throughout the Dioceses, which offer Christian support, friendship, social interaction and fellowship which is a great way to network with other women.

Overseas and Outreach is one arm of AAW and it is very active within New Zealand and overseas. Funds given by members support projects to help women and children anywhere. An Emergency Fund is set up to provide relief in natural disasters both within New Zealand and overseas.
AAW is affiliated to the National Council of Women (NCWNZ), which gives our members a voice for lobbying Government and to work for positive change through our own Social Concerns arm. AAW groups have representatives who attend NCWNZ meetings in their areas.

AAW has taught women how to be leaders, to develop public speaking skills, to be involved in worship leading, and many other skills, which not only help them in their daily lives but also in parish life, with nurturing Christian family life, pastoral visiting and reaching out into the community. Some AAW members take an active part in ministry work or other work on Diocesan, regional or community committees.

The AAW President for Aotearoa New Zealand and Polynesia is :

Cynthia Prince

22 Brooklands Drive

Havelock North, 4130



The official AAW Magazine is called 'Circle'

Editorial Team:

Cynthia Prince - Circle Co-ordinator



Circle Contact:

Sally Butler

37 Napier Road

Havelock North,

Hastings 4130



Click here for recent editions:

















For AAW news on the AnglicanTaonga website - click here

(Then search on AnglicanTaonga for 'AAW' for further stories)

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Hosted by Berry Hill