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Anglican General Synod

Anglican Church in Aotearoa, New Zealand and Polynesia

Te Hāhi Mihinare ki Aotearoa ki Niu Tīreni, ki Ngā Moutere o te Moana Nui a Kiwa

Religious Life Network

Religious Orders of the Anglican Communion



Religious Life Vocations Sunday - 3rd Sunday in August.

An opportunity to remember, learn about, and pray for the Anglican Religious Life and the Orders present in the Church.

A challenge to consider the call to a religious vocation.

Invite someone from a Religious Order to participate in local worship and speak/ preach.


Anglican Religious Orders in Aotearoa New Zealand and Polynesia:

(See above menu at 'Directory/ Boards-Offices-Religious-Communities-Theological-Colleges' for contact details)

Community of the Sacred Name (Sisters) - Christchurch New Zealand, Suva and Labasa Fiji, Nuku'alofa Tonga.

Moana Community of St Clare (Sisters) - Suva, Fiji - including St Christopher's Home:

Order of St Stephen (Youth) - in recess.

Order of the Holy Cross (Anglican Benedictine).

Sisters of the Love of God - Opononi Northland.

Society of St Francis (Franciscan Friars) - in recess in Aotearoa New Zealand.

Third Order, Society of St Francis (Tertiaries).

Urban Vision (New Monasticism) - Wellington

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