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Anglican General Synod

Anglican Church in Aotearoa, New Zealand and Polynesia

Te Hāhi Mihinare ki Aotearoa ki Niu Tīreni, ki Ngā Moutere o te Moana Nui a Kiwa

Canons and Statutes

Please find below electronic forms of the Constitution and Canons Publication (up to date post 2022 GSTHW).


For a full hard copy of the Canons (updated to the last General Synod/ te Hinota Whanui) contact:

General Synod Office. 09-5214439.

Currently out of stock.


The last full printing of the Canons was in 2008, and smaller updates were printed after each General Synod/ Te Hinota Whanui in 2010, 2012, 2014, 2016, 2018, 2020, 2022. Updates separately cost $5.30 each (incl GST and P&P).

(To check that your hard copy is up to date:

Page A.1 should be dated 2008,

Page B.53 should be dated 2010,

Page A.15 should be dated 2012,

Page B.76 should be dated 2014,

Page A.9 should be dated 2016,

Page A.7 should be dated 2018,

Page viii (a) of the constitution/ te pouhere should be dated 2020, and

Page A.19 should be dated 2022.)

Otherwise contact the above for the relevant update pack(s).


The Constitution/ Te Pouhere



Title A of Ministers: 

Canon I of Bishops

Canon II of Pastors

Canon III of the Provincial Secretary - Repealed 1992

Canon IV o Te Pihopatanga o Aotearoa

Canon V of the Appointment of the Bishop in Polynesia - Repealed 1990


Title B of Organised Bodies in the Church: 

Canon I of the General Synod / Te Hīnota Whānui

Canon II of Diocesan Synods

Canon III of Local Boards - Repealed 1992

Canon IV of Dioceses

Canon V of Local Ministry and Mission Units

Canon VI of Chapters - Repealed 1992

Canon VII of Cathedral Districts - Repealed 1992

Canon VIII of the Diocese of Polynesia

Canon IX of the Anglican Missions Board of the Church in Aotearoa, New Zealand and Polynesia 2024

Canon X of Archives and History 2022

Canon XI of the Social Responsibility Commission - Repealed 1992

Canon XII the Provincial Commission on Ecumenism - Repealed 1992

Canon XIII o Te Runanga o Te Pihopatanga o Aotearoa - Repealed 1992

Canon XIV of the New Zealand Anglican Church Pension Board

Canon XV of a Provincial Association of Social Services - Repealed 1992

Canon XVI of the Provincial Commission for Evangelism - Repealed 1992

Canon XVII of the Commission on Doctrine - Repealed 1992, 2000

Canon XVII of the Commission on Doctrine and Theological Questions

Canon XVIII of the Council for Ecumenism 2022

Canon XIX of the Commission on Communications - repealed 2016, and

Canon XIX of the Anglican Communications and Media Office

Canon XX of Common Life and Partnership

Canon XXI of Qualifications for Lay Persons to Hold Office

Canon XXII of the Tikanga Pakeha Conference

Canon XXIII of Common Life Conferences

Canon XXIII of the Mission and Evangelism Conference - REPEALED 2004
Canon XXIV of the Nurture and Education Conference - REPEALED 2004

Canon XXV of the Social Service Conference- REPEALED 2004

Canon XXVI of the Social Justice and Transformation Conference- REPEALED 2004

Canon XXVII of the Care for God's Creation Conference- REPEALED 2004

Canon XXVII of the Ministry Education Conference - Repealed 1998

Canon XXIX of the Youth Exchange Conference

Canon XXX of the Common Life Liturgical Commission

Canon XXXI of the Commission on Treaty and Partnership Issues

Canon XXXII of the Anglican Insurance Board

Canon XXXIII of the Treaty/Tiriti, Church and Nation

Canon XXXIV of the Social Justice Unit

Canon XXXV of the Council for Anglican Women's Studies.

Canon XXXVI of the Tikanga Toru Youth Commission

Canon XXXVII (vacant Canon number)

Canon XXXVIII of the Recognition of Christian Communities 2018


Title C of Legislation: 

Canon I of Alterations in the Constitution

Canon II of Standing Orders and Resolutions

Canon III of Enactment, Amendment and Repeal of Canons

Canon IV of the Judicial Committee

Canon V of a Tribunal on Doctrine


Title D of Standards: 

(Complaints processes and information available here:

NB In 2022 the General Synod/Te Hinota Whānui made changes to Title D which are the ministry standard canons of this Church.  The intention of the changes were to further strengthen the Anglican Church's response to allegations of abuse and to provide additional independence to the process to be carried out when complaints about licensed members of the Anglican Church (whether clergy or lay) are made.  They also clarified that the current standards and process apply regardless of when the conduct occurred or whether it took place in New Zealand or overseas.

The particular changes include:

1. a new definition of misconduct to include physical, sexual and spiritual abuse;

2. an obligation on clergy and lay office holders in this Church to report misconduct where they reasonably believe that a person has suffered or may suffer harm;

3. a requirement that one member of the Ministry Standards Commission (which oversees and administers the processes under Title D) not be a member of this Church;

4. a requirement that on any Tribunal or Appeal Tribunal there be one member who is not a member of this Church;

5. clarifying that the current provisions (both as to process and the ministry standards) of Title D extend to conduct that occurred before it was adopted and to conduct regardless of whether it took place in New Zealand or overseas.


Canon I of Standards of Ministry for Bishops, Ministers and Office Bearers

Canon II of The Ministry Standards Commission and its Registrar

Canon III of the Maintenance of Ministry Standards

Canon IV of the Maintenance of Standards of Trustees

Canon V of Chancellors and Legal Advisers

Canon VI of Safe to Receive Testimonials


Title E of Educational Institutions in Connection with the General Synod / te Hinota Whanui: 

Canon I of the Provincial Board for Ministry - Repealed 1992

Canon II of St John's College and the Utilization of the St John's College Trust Funds 2024

Canon III of Kings College

Canon IV of a Provincial Board of Christian Education - Repealed 1992

Canon V of the St John's College Trust Advisory Board - Repealed 1998


Title F of Trusts: 

Canon I of Appointing Bodies

Canon II of Incorporation of Trustees

Canon III of the Duties of Trustees

Canon IV of Delegation of Powers

Canon V of the General Church Trust 2022

Canon VI of Appointment and Removal of Trustees

Canon VII of the Church Lands Tribunal

Canon VIII of Trustees and Board Members

Canon IX of Charities Act Requirements


Title G Miscellaneous: 

Canon I of Certain Necessary Alterations

Canon II of a New Table of Lessons

Canon III of Marriage

Canon IV of the Use of Certain Portions of the Book of Common Prayer 1928

Canon V of Translations of Holy Scripture

Canon VI of Alternative Services - repealed 2016

Canon VII of Admission to Holy Communion

Canon VIII of Lay Readers and Kai Karakia - Repealed 1992

Canon IX of the Holy Communion in Relation to Christian Unity

Canon X of Translations of Services

Canon XI of Lay Assistance in the Distribution of the Elements at Holy Communion - Repealed 1992

Canon XII of the Lectionary

Canon XIII of Holy Orders

Canon XIV of Authorised Services

Appendix, The Formularies of this Church


Parliamentary Acts 


Standing Resolutions 








SRO Other 2022 32.79 kB








Standing Orders of the General Synod / te Hinota Whanui 



Working Groups 24.25 kB


Petitions 23.77 kB


Rules of Debate 29.39 kB


Amendments 26.58 kB







Commissions 23.25 kB


Forms of Prayer 22.57 kB


Miscellaneous 27.48 kB


TPC - Tikanga Pakeha Conference Reference Information - 2022


Other TPC (IDC) records/ proceedings are here:

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Hosted by Berry Hill