Anglican General Synod

Anglican Church in Aotearoa, New Zealand and Polynesia

Te Hāhi Mihinare ki Aotearoa ki Niu Tīreni, ki Ngā Moutere o te Moana Nui a Kiwa

Writing on Liturgy from this Church

Click above for information on a range of liturgical writing from this Church - books, articles, papers, executive summaries, reviews, promotional information, ordering details, etc

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Prayer Book History

He Taonga Tongarewa Flyer

(Order form here:


An Audio Introduction to A New Zealand Prayer Book - He Karakia Mihinare o Aotearoa.

(a recording from Tape 1/ Side 1 of the 1989 Education for Liturgy Kit).

NB this material makes most sense when heard alongside a hard copy of the Kit, but can be followed with a Prayer Book on hand,

and contains interesting and useful introductory educational resources to the Prayer Book in the following sections.

Recording Sections:

1 Introduction - who is the ElKit for? (0.00-5.30)

2 General liturgical principles of worship (5.45-8.20)

3 Liturgies of the Word (8.25-9.40)

4 Psalms for Worship (9.50-11.00)

5 Liturgies of Baptism and the Laying on of hands for confirmation and renewal (11.00-13.10)

6 The Eucharistic Liturgies - Nga Hakari Tapu (13.20-16.30)

7 Pastoral Liturgies (16.40-18.15)

8 Marriage Liturgies (18.25-19.55)

9 Funeral Liturgies (20.00-21.30)

10 An example of creative use of the Prayer Book - the 1989 Auckland Diocesan Synod Service (21.30-27.55)


New liturgy, 'The farewelling of a Home'

Jane Simpson

Order from 

Dr Jane Simpson_Liturgy for Farewelling a Home (002)

A new liturgy to farewell a home has just been published, written by Christchurch-based Anglican historian and prize-winning poet, Dr Jane Simpson.First published in the Australian Journal of Liturgy, Jane is now publishing it as a service booklet, customised and licensed for each use. Originally a response to the Christchurch earthquakes, it also marks a variety of life transitions, including moving into a retirement village. The booklet is available directly from the author by email. A high-quality booklet for the householder to keep as a memento could be printed if there is interest.


John Hebenton on Youth and Liturgy


Jenny Dawson on Baptismal Theology


Brian and Kirsten Dawson on Confirmation


Monty Black, writing on our The Anglican Communion and our Prayer Book, and on The Internet and Sacraments

(Both these papers were written for a Graduate Diploma of Theological Studies (Liturgics) course at VST – (Vancouver School of Theology), for Dr. Richard Leggett. The only place they are available is on the General Synod website.)


“Celebrating Eucharist” by Bosco Peters is available online

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