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Anglican General Synod

Anglican Church in Aotearoa, New Zealand and Polynesia

Te Hāhi Mihinare ki Aotearoa ki Niu Tīreni, ki Ngā Moutere o te Moana Nui a Kiwa

Te Reo Maori Worship Resources




Recordings are also available for the Te Reo Maori parts of the page 404 Eucharist ' Thanksgiving of the People of God',

the whole of the page 476 Eucharist 'Te Whakawhetai me te Whakamoemiti',

and the page 499 Eucharist 'Nā a te Whānau a te Karaiti', as below:


page 404 14.83 MB
page 476 16.00 MB
page 499 41.46 MB


Recordings of 404 in sections are below:


Recordings of 476 in sections are below:


Recordings of 499 in sections are below:

(This recording was undertaken by the Most Rev'd John Paterson (Archbishop Emeritus), the Right Rev'd George Connor, and the Rev'd Jacynthia Murphy)


These recordings are also available by email from



Approved translations of 'Seasons and Sundays' and ' Feasts and Holy Days' (Approved in 2019 under Title G/ Canon X).



He Upoko nō Ngā Pukapuka e Kīa nei He Apocrypha:kua whakaritea hei kōrerotanga i roto i ngā inoi o te ata o te ahiahi


Te Reo Māori version of Celebrating Common Prayer

2019 revised version















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Hosted by Berry Hill