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Anglican General Synod

Anglican Church in Aotearoa, New Zealand and Polynesia

Te Hāhi Mihinare ki Aotearoa ki Niu Tīreni, ki Ngā Moutere o te Moana Nui a Kiwa

Minutes of the Proceedings IDC May 2010

Here is the Minutes of the Proceedings from the IDC held in Gisborne as at May 2010.



8/9 MAY 2010


GISBORNE ________________________________________________________________________________


Conference Opening

The Most Reverend David Moxon, President of the Inter Diocesan Conference, opened the Conference at 1.15 pm in the hall at Holy Trinity Church, Gisborne. He commented that in our Church today we celebrate Julian of Norwich who as a recluse lived by a church in a small room – as are we, in this Inter Diocesan Conference.

Opening Worship

Worship was led by the Chaplain to the Inter Diocesan Conference, the Reverend Blake Ramage.

Welcome and Introductions

Archbishop David Moxon extended a welcome to all present and invited a spokesperson from each of the seven New Zealand Dioceses to introduce their delegates individually. Bernard Faull introduced the Diocesan Registrars. The Archbishop welcomed to the Conference the Rev Canon Jim White, Dean of the College of the Southern Cross, Lloyd Ashton (Media Officer) the Rev Canon Brian Thomas, (Taonga) and the Reverend John Hebenton (National Youth Facilitator) who introduced Julie Hintz (StraNdZ Enabler) Emma Hocking and Josh Reid (Youth Stewards).

Archbishop David Moxon drew members’ attention to the guidelines for debate at IDC. He asked members who wished to name topics for discussion, to put these suggestions in writing by 3.30 pm and he advised members that nominations would close at 9 pm on Saturday 8 May with voting to take place at 10.50 am on Sunday 9 May, if necessary. He explained that in order to allow adequate time for Dioceses to name members of a proposed Nominations Panel, Motion 4, Voting for Tikanga Pakeha Members of the Standing Committee of the General Synod / te Hīnota Whānui, set down on the Order Paper for 3.30 pm, would be debated immediately following Motion 1.

Members were advised that both the Diocese of Waiapu and the Diocese of Christchurch had agreed to a 0.3% stipend increase as from 1 May 2010, information which had not been available when the Inter Diocesan Conference Programme of Business was circulated.

There were no Procedural Motions or Notices of Motion.


MOTION: The Ven Tony Gerritsen The Ven May Croft

THAT the following officers be added to clause 1(6)(a) of the IDC Procedural Matters:

Te Kotahitanga Executive Officer

StraNdZ Enabler

Order of St Stephen, Network Coordinator



MOTION: Mr Ian Pask

THAT paragraph (3) of the Inter-Diocesan Conference Procedural Matters - Voting for Tikanga Pākehā members of the Standing Committee of the General Synod/te Hīnota Whānui (IDC’94) be revoked and the following substituted:

Appointment of Tikanga Pākehā members of the General Synod/te Hīnota Whānui

(1) Each Diocese shall, prior to the commencement of the biennial meeting of the IDC,

(a) Nominate from their membership of the General Synod/te Hīnota Whānui persons to be considered for appointment to the Standing Committee of the General Synod/te Hīnota Whānui. Preferably each Diocese should make at least two nominations, one from each order, indicating any preferences between the nominated persons (there is no restriction on the number of nominations a Diocese may make as this may assist the nominations panel to achieve a balanced representation for the Tikanga)

(b) Appoint one of their IDC representatives to the Nominations Panel whose task will be to:

(i) Receive nominations from each Diocese for the Tikanga Pākehā membership of the General Synod/te Hīnota Whānui Standing Committee.

(ii) Recommend to the IDC who should be appointed to represent Tikanga Pākehā on the General Synod/te Hīnota Whānui Standing Committee having regard to the following criteria:

  • each Diocese should be represented at least two members should be from the house of laity and at least two should be from the house of clergy
  • skills and attributes of the respective nominees
  • gender balance

(2) The Administrative Secretary shall, during the IDC, convene the Nominations Panel and report the Panel’s recommendations to the IDC for confirmation.

Amendment: Lyndon Rogers Michael Hebenton

THAT a further bullet point be added as a criteria. namely ‘age balance’

The following motion was put.


MOTION: Mr Ian Pask The Rev Helen Wilderspin

THAT paragraph (3) of the Inter-Diocesan Conference Procedural Matters - Voting for Tikanga Pākehā members of the Standing Committee of the General Synod/te Hīnoata Whānui (IDC’94) be revoked and the following substituted:

Appointment of Tikanga Pākehā members of the General Synod/te Hīnota Whānui

(1) Each Diocese shall, prior to the commencement of the biennial meeting of the IDC,

(a) Nominate from their membership of the General Synod/te Hīnota Whānui persons to be considered for appointment to the Standing Committee of the General Synod/te Hīnota Whānui. Preferably each Diocese should make at least two nominations, one from each order, indicating any preferences between the nominated persons (there is no restriction on the number of nominations a Diocese may make as this may assist the nominations panel to achieve a balanced representation for the Tikanga)

(b) Appoint one of their IDC representatives to the Nominations Panel whose task will be to:

(i) Receive nominations from each Diocese for the Tikanga Pākehā membership of the General Synod/te Hīnota Whānui Standing Committee.

(ii) Recommend to the IDC who should be appointed to represent Tikanga Pākehā on the General Synod/te Hīnoata Whānui Standing Committee having regard to the following criteria:

  • each Diocese should be represented at least two members should be from the house of laity and at least two should be from the house of clergy
  • skills and attributes of the respective nominees
  • gender balance
  • age balance

(2) The Administrative Secretary shall, during the IDC, convene the Nominations Panel and report the Panel’s recommendations to the IDC for confirmation.



Each Diocese had prepared a short PowerPoint presentation which highlighted aspects of Diocesan life which had been a cause for celebration and which named the Diocese’s biggest challenge. Celebrations and challenges included:



  • new Bishop
  • new Diocesan youth facilitator
  • new church buildings
  • Strong stipended ministry – increasing number of younger clergy
  • Local shared ministry strength
  • Wide variety of local ministry initiatives
  • Schools ministry
  • City Mission
  • Training options


Need to be an outward focused church with better communication, better youth leadership, to be vibrant and relevant in communities and empowering local leadership. With a new episcopacy, it is time to get strategic.



With the development of a strategic plan, Growing Forward, the following are key focuses for the Diocese

  • the development of young leaders and a youth community (The Kiln) – growing numbers
  • faithful stewardship in all aspects of our lives eg of rural communities and social justice issues raised over water use and pollution and the need for the church to speak out.
  • Christ centred mission – Messy Church, development of the Dioconate


Education is the ministry challenge to raise the standard for theological qualifications and mission-shaped training for laity and clergy.



Strengths of younger leadership recently appointed:

  • appointment of the youth worker Benjamin Brock Smith
  • the ordination of younger clergy
  • the new warden of Selwyn College
  • the new Principal at St Hilda’s School

A great deal of life and innovation is coming out of parishes which is contributing considerably to the community


Called to maintain an Anglican ministry across a large and remote geographic area with sparse population.



  • Sesquicentennial celebrations in conjunction with the City of Nelson – the Bishop used the opportunity to walk the Diocesan boundaries
  • Re-establishing of Bishopdale Theological College (including the Institute for New Anglicanism) with theological education, Diocesan Ministry Education and Ministry Formation and Development as the focus – to go beyond ‘fresh expressions’ to ‘mature expressions’.
  • The development of a Diocesan Strategic plan that focuses on five key initiatives:
  • Development of new leaders and empowerment of existing leaders
  • See existing leaders grown professionally
  • Growing ministry with children, youth and young adults
  • Commitment to deeper discipleship
  • Explore and develop new missional initiatives
  • Develop public witness of the Diocese


To turn the strategic plan from theory into reality.



  • Sesquicentennial and the celebration of bicultural relationships
  • social services work and an inaugural social services conference and the opening of the Papamoa social services village, an award for social services innovation
  • support of youth and youth leaders and a youth development programme, youth events including youth pilgrimage


Meeting the varied and changing needs of a widespread Diocese and providing training for both lay and ordained. Many parishes without stipendiary clergy.

Waikato and Taranaki


In response to the Commission for the Future Review:

Bishopric of Waikato

  • development of daughter church buildings to plant new congregations
  • growing of faith within Diocesan schools with baptisms and confirmations
  • 10th anniversary of Te Ara Hou Social Services Village and its service to the community

Bishopric of Taranaki

  • planning for mission across the Bishopric is bearing fruit
  • Bishop’s Action Foundation partnership between church and community to address need, for example major health issues
  • movement in the relationship between Maori and Pakeha at the consecration of St Mary’s Church as a Cathedral supported/assisted/ by the visit of the Archbishop of York


To integrate the sense of mission and working together to build on the relationships between the two Bishoprics. To do this Standing Committee has initiated a Diocesan strategic direction exercise to build sustainability into the future.



  • sesqiecenntenial celebration – pilgrimages and Holy moments,
  • Diocesan visioning day with 350 people with 72 bright ideas honed down to a vision statement with 6 foci
  • Meetings for men on health issues
  • Urban vision communities
  • A new monasticism
  • International youth group at Petone
  • Community priest operating in Taita with groups of ex prison inmates
  • i-care Parenting
  • Anglican Care Network through parishes is being promoted
  • Theology in the Public Square based around the Cathedral
  • Support for those living with mental illness
  • A new chaplaincy building at Massey University
  • Parishes renamed mission units not ministry units.
  • Back to Church Sunday developments
  • Enabling conversations with members the gay community


How to get parishes to work together collegially in small geographical clusters

Deepening our spirituality

Leadership growth for clergy


MOTION: Conference Chair

THAT this IDC recognises the ground-breaking work of the Reverend Duncan MacDonald for his key role in helping with the founding of the Tikanga Pakeha Anglican Care Network, his on-going support and resourcing of the Network over several decades as he steps down from the Network and his on-going and vital contribution to community-facing ministry in Aotearoa New Zealand.


In moving the above motion, Archbishop David Moxon read the wording of a citation to the Reverend Duncan MacDonald and presented him with a gift on behalf the New Zealand Dioceses. Duncan MacDonald responded by commenting that it is possible to create change but one also needs the skills and the passion to see these changes through to fruition. This Church is resource rich but the challenge is how best to use this resource. He also paid tribute to his mentors over the years and to many dedicated women who have made Anglican Care what it is today and made a plea that the church does not forget the ‘baby boomers’.

Conference adjourned at 3.10 pm for Afternoon Tea

Conference continued at 3.30 pm with The Very Rev Peter Beck in the Chair

The Dioceses of Wellington and Nelson gave their PowerPoint presentations. These are recorded above.

The Conference broke into groups to discuss the challenges raised in the Diocesan reports.


Groups selected challenges to address and summarised issues that had been raised in discussion.

Group 1

Mission Focus

  • various strategies – how real are our community connections? Have they integrity and depth

Geographical issues

  • scattered peoples in large land masses

Sustainability and viability of the Church

  • financial or ecclesiological problem?
  • to what end – not just for the Church – remembering William Temple, do we seek to develop into, and focus on, community-facing church?

Theological education

  • splintering along Diocesan lines
  • where to get and how to train theologically educated and community-engaging leaders?

Other challenges include:

  • the place of local shared ministry and where it sits among other models of ministry
  • can technology bridge gaps – where do we use it to bring life?

Group 2

  • Rejoice and take heart in what we have heard
  • We have presented celebrations well but the challenges are more difficult to present. Are we measuring the success and outcomes of these good news stories and when can we present this?
  • The need for leaders and theological education was heard
  • Also the challenge of rural ministry in all Dioceses
  • All Dioceses are doing something intentional about youth ministry - great
  • The challenge is also not to forget the ‘baby boomers’
  • Existing age care ministry and daily prayer were not emphasised by Dioceses.
  • Where would we be without Mainly Music? Can we connect with the ‘baby boomers’ in a similar way?
  • How do we highlight the spiritual dimension?
  • Is what we are doing core church? What is people’s understanding of church?

Group 3

  • Leadership – the changing nature of leadership requirements in New Zealand – Diocesan, local parish, rural, urban, youth, children.
  • Develop/search/look for solutions through well articulated requirements of training with defined outcomes.
  • Identifying burdens to mission activity and lightening the load like forming administration hubs.
  • The fostering and encouragement of passion and uncompromising commitment in all aspects of church life.

Group 4

  • There is a need to equip and support the leadership – particularly for children, youth and young adults. There is a sense that there is new leadership emerging – now is the moment of opportunity. It must not be the same old thing!
  • ‘Mission’ needs to be part of our DNA which will include building on an ‘identity’ – living out who we are. Doubtful whether Anglicans do have an identity, especially those under 35.
  • We need to ‘lift the bar’ for theological education and training for ministry both lay and ordained
  • Anglicans have a good track record at community social work – Anglican Care
  • We need to integrate what we believe with what we do and to market ourselves better – good things are happening.
  • Inherent tension between parish/local based initiatives, alongside nation-wide networks/modes – what is best done collectively and what is best done individually?
  • What is the primary role of the Church?. Every Diocese is in decline – ‘the platform is burning around us’
  • Every individual in the Church needs to be present as salt and light, in community and in worship, living and breathing the gospel

Group 5

  • We are better at working strategically at Diocesan level rather than parish level but the most effective strategies come from the ground up
  • We are getting more intentional about leadership training and we are striving to raise the bar with regard to theological training.
  • We are good at talking about youth and families ministry but not so good at delivering it at parish level – there is a desperate lack of competent youth workers/pastors. We have a major problem in that many parishes do not have the plant/church facilities to generate congregations of sufficient size to effectively put separate specialist youth and family ministry in place and train effective youth pastors.
  • We need to be more effective with dealing with both theological and practical ministry skills training – a real balancing act.
  • We need to be very broad in what we understand as church and what we record in statistics.
  • We do not train for the transformation process that is sometimes captured by the word evangelism.

Group 6

  • Theological training for both lay and ordained and what form it should take was a consistent issue throughout the Dioceses. Minimum theological educational requirements for clergy and for licensed lay ?
  • Should Dioceses work separately or together? Wellington now requires a minimum qualification for both Lay (EFM) and ordained (LTh) and Christchurch is moving towards this requirement.
  • Strategic Plans – most Dioceses working on strategic plan and how to implement them once a plan is in place.
  • Technology – still a challenge as some areas do not have broadband/cellphone coverage. Possible set up of ‘hubs’ as communication tool?
  • Geographical challenges – sparse population/few stipended clergy
  • Mission of discipleship – effectiveness? Core business? Discipleship training.
  • Possible changes to LSM – both for lay and ordained- improve educational qualifications – no ‘ordination through back door’.
  • Increasing focus on mission – both evangelism and discipleship. How effective are we in these areas?
  • A common theme also is how we can be Anglican in our own differing contexts
  • And advice from Bruce McLaren – be ready for the influx from Roman Catholic and Pentecostal style churches

Group 7

  • Considering the similarities between the Diocesan reports, how much do we all reinvent the same wheel – why are we all addressing the same issues and not working together?
  • There was a sense that better communication across Diocesan boundaries would increase our ability to make progress.
  • The whole issue of training nationally would benefit from more consultation – ie changing the models of delivering training. Ideally there would be a balance of local training to meet local needs and national training – technology allows us to do both!
  • Increase in non-stipendiary clergy/mutual ministry units means traditional training for ordination (significant time at a theological college) is not so viable as a model. How then do we train non-stipendiary clergy theologically?
  • How do we take advantage of well-trained (theologically) clergy for the benefit of the whole diocese?
  • We thought that we may need to look further than the next 3-5 years eg comment about baby boomers – 21% will retire in a few years – what is the impact of that on our parishes/ministry units/archdeaconies/Dioceses/nationally?
  • How do we do our mission with the resources (especially people resources) we currently have?
  • We may have to invest resources now, and not expect a return immediately or even sooner.
  • Identity – how do we remain Anglican within our culture of change? (We live to be missioners.)
  • The public at large are better informed than they were 50 years ago. There is increased demand on leaders particularly theologically. This challenges the training that the leaders need – leaders need to be trained both theologically and as pastors.
  • How as New Zealand Dioceses do we cast a vision beyond the local Diocesan context? Who should be responsible for this?


Archbishop David Moxon introduced Bishop Richard Randerson. Bishop Richard was then invited to speak about his new book Engagement 21 - A Wake-up Call to the 21st Century Church in Mission. He thanked various people who had helped him and drew members’ attention to the Foreword where good friends and colleagues, both laity and clergy were thanked for their input.

Engagement 21 challenges the Church to radically review its mission strategy if it seeks to gain traction in today’s world. A mission-focused theology, a deeper understanding of modern society and more effective skills in ministry are central to the task. Based on a survey of 96 clergy and laity in New Zealand and Australia, Engagement 21 reports a widespread grass-roots desire for change. It also documents 126 creative ministry projects that are signs of a new mission paradigm. Designed for individual or group reading, the book is priced to facilitate local study and mission planning (see details below). There is a Gospel to proclaim, its truth crucial to life in this post-modern age. New vessels are essential to convey this treasure.

Topics include:

  • Statistics of church participation rates 1945-2006
  • Results of the mission survey with 16 graphs documenting the extent of theological and ministry training, perceptions of parish ministries, chaplaincies and lay vocation, and attitudes re the need for new models of ministry and less institutional focus
  • A three-part biblical study on mission based on the redemption of all Creation
  • 126 innovative ministry projects that span the range from spirituality, worship and theological education to community outreach, social justice and environmental stewardship.
  • Foreword by Bishop Philip Richardson.

Note: while the data contained in Engagement 21 is drawn mainly from Anglican circles, it is relevant to all denominations, and suitable for ecumenical, inter-tikanga and church/community partnerships.

Archbishop David Moxon dedicated the book with prayer. Bishop Richard Randerson offered a copy to each member and it will be on sale for $19.95 (reduced for quantity purchases).

Conference adjourned at 5.30 pm for Dinner

Conference resumed at 7.00 pm with Mr Anthony Hill in the Chair

Archbishop David Moxon congratulated Mr Hill on his recent appointment as Health and Disability Commissioner.


Conference had the opportunity to express appreciation for the work undertaken by the various bodies which report to the Inter Diocesan Conference and/or to raise any matters of significance or matters of concern emerging from the reports. No comments were made.


MOTION: Conference Chair

THAT the written reports and accounts as printed in the Programme of Business for the Inter Diocesan Conference 2010 be received.



MOTION: The Rt Rev David Rice The Rev Brian Dawson


(1) the words ‘Tikanga Pakeha’ in Standing Resolution 13 be deleted and replaced with the words ‘Inter Diocesan’

(2) section 6 of Standing Resolution 13 be deleted and replaced with the following:

(6) The tasks and responsibilities of the Tikanga Pākehā Ecumenical Group shall include the following:

(a) to take responsibility for maintaining a relationship with the international/national ecumenical bodies which have been identified as specifically ‘tikanga pakeha’. They include:

Christian World Service (CWS)*

Churches Education Commission (CEC)*

Church Women United

Conference of Churches in Aotearoa New Zealand – CCANZ or any new national ecumenical initiative

Inter Church Hospital Chaplaincy (ICHC)*

Inter Church Tertiary Chaplaincy (ICTC)

Student Christian Movement (SCM)

Uniting Congregations of Aotearoa New Zealand - UCANZ

Work Place Support Services (ITIM)

(b) to report on Tikanga Pakeha ecumenism to the Council for Ecumenism and the Inter Diocesan Conference Coordinating Group (IDCCG)

(c) to recommend to the Inter Diocesan Conference Coordinating Group the names of two persons to be nominated by the Inter Diocesan Conference Coordinating Group for appointment at each Ordinary Session of General Synod/te Hīnota Whānui to the Council for Ecumenism.

(d) to meet with other like ecumenical groups established by Tikanga Maori and Tikanga Pasefika

(e) to ensure that each Diocese is represented on the Tikanga Pākehā Ecumenical Group;

(f) to encourage Diocesan ecumenical activity



MOTION: The Very Rev Ross Bay The Ven Tony Gerritsen


(1) receives the report of the Working Group on Diocesan Youth Worker Salaries;

(2) affirms that such work undertaken at a diocesan or regional level is valid ministry; and

(3) recommends to the New Zealand Dioceses that such positions be remunerated at the level of stipend applicable to that diocese, including the provision of housing or an appropriate level of housing allowance.



MOTION: The Rt Rev Richard Ellena The Rt Rev Victoria Matthews


Recognising the development of StraNdZ overseeing the development of ministry to children throughout Tikanga Pakeha,

and noting that the Board of Oversight for National Ministries to those under 40 has representation from StraNdZ,

and noting also that a ‘StraNdZ Enabler’ is funded by IDC through the Board of Oversight,

Yet noting that StraNdZ does not have any formal status within IDC

This IDC

(1) formally establishes StraNdZ as a group appointed to develop ministry to children and of children within Tikanga Pakeha, in accordance with the following Standing Resolution:


(1) There be constituted a group known as StraNdZ to focus on the development and encouragement of Children’s Ministries within the dioceses of Tikanga Pakeha.

(2) StraNdZ purpose is to:

  • Review what is happening in children’s ministries within each diocese
  • Review and plan new material for children’s ministries
  • Support and organise training opportunities within the Dioceses
  • Be an advocate for children’s ministry
  • Cast a vision for children’s ministry
  • Manage the StraNdZ website.

(3) That StraNdZ comprise:

  • Up to two representatives from each of the seven Dioceses within Tikanga Pakeha
  • A representative of the Church Army children’s ministry
  • A representative from the Anglican Schools Office
  • A bishop appointed by the Tikanga Pakeha bishops
  • The StraNdZ Enabler
  • A StraNdZ Administrator

(4) An Executive subcommittee may be appointed from within StraNdZ to act as a reference group for the Enabler.

(5) StraNdZ be accountable to the Tikanga Pakeha Ministry Council for ministry issues.

(6) StraNdZ shall on all employment matters, consult, advise and liaise with the Board of Oversight for National Ministries to those under 40.

(7) The Administrative Secretary of the Inter Diocesan Conference will act as accountant to StraNdZ.

(2) Amends Standing Resolution 15, Tikanga Pakeha Ministry Council, by adding a new clause (3)(f) which reads:

(f) The StraNdZ Children’s Ministry Enabler,

and that the letter sequence of the following paragraphs be adjusted accordingly

(3) Amends Standing Resolution 2, Board of Oversight for National Ministries for those under 40 by deleting clause (4)(a)(ii) and substituting the following:

(4)(a)(ii) a Children’s and Families (StraNdZ) Enabler Tikanga Pakeha [in consultation and agreement with StraNdZ]



MOTION: Mr Ian Pask The Rev Helen Wilderspin

THAT the Inter Diocesan Conference budget for the years 2011 and 2012, as printed on the green pages of the Programme of Business, be approved.



Prayer was led by the Chaplain to the Inter Diocesan Conference, the Reverend Blake Ramage

Conference adjourned for the day at 8.15 pm


Conference resumed at 10.55am


Opening Prayer was led by the Chaplain to the Inter Diocesan Conference, the Reverend Blake Ramage

Conference continued with The Rev Joanne Kelly-Moore in the Chair.


No elections were necessary. The Chair read out the names of those who had been nominated or appointed to the various national bodies. These positions are as follows:


General Synod Standing Committee

Auckland The Rev Joanne Kelly-Moore

Christchurch Mrs Ruth Wildbore

Dunedin The Rev Helen Wilderspin

Nelson Mr Ian Pask

Waiapu The Rev Brian Dawson

Waikato Mr Gerald Bailey

Wellington The Ven May Croft

Anglican Missions Board

Mrs Mary Estcourt

The Rt Rev Philip Richardson

The Rev David Pask

Archives Committee

The Rev Earle Howe

New Zealand Anglican Church Pension Board

The Ven Lawrence Kimberley

Commission on Communications

Mrs Jennifer Pearson

The Rev Spanky Moore

The Rev Jayson Rhodes

Youth Commission

Benjamin Brock-Smith

Andrew Spence

Commission on Treaty and Partnership Issues

The Rt Rev Philip Richardson

The Ven Jenny Dawson

Tribunal On Doctrine

House of Laity

Mr Anthony Hill

House of Clergy

The Rev Dr Andrew Burgess

The Very Rev Trevor James

Tribunal Under the Church of England Empowering Act 1928

House of Laity House of Clergy

Mr Gerald Bailey The Rev Diana Rattray

Mr Ian Pask The Rev Roger Barker

Mrs Victoria Mann The Rev Jo Kelly-Moore

Dr Tony Fitchett

Judicial Committee

Mr Richard Gray QC

Judge Chris Harding

Judge Anne McAloon

The Ven David Tonkin

Te Kotahitanga

The Rt Rev Richard Ellena

The Rev Alec Clark

Anglican Insurance Board

Mrs Alison Jephson


Social Justice Commission

Mrs Jenny Campbell

Mr Peter Bargh

Council for Anglican Women’s Studies

The Rev Erice Fairbrother

The Rev Carole Hughes

Commission on Treaty, Church and Nation

The Rt Rev Philip Richardson

Professor Ray Harlow

Council for Ecumenism

The Rt Rev David Rice

The Rev Noel Hendery

Common Life Liturgical Commission

The Rt Rev Ross Bay

The Ven Monty Black



Distribution Advisory Committee

Mr Ian Pask The Rev Joanne Kelly-Moore

Policy Committee on Christian World Service

The Rev Robert Kereopa

Inter Diocesan Conference Coordinating Group

Auckland The Rev Carole Hughes

Christchurch Mr Jeremy Johnson

Dunedin Mrs Barbara Dineen

Nelson Mr Ian Pask

Waiapu The Rev Jo Crosse

Waikato The Most Rev David Moxon

Wellington The Ven Jenny Dawson

The Chair outlined the process to be followed for the discussion of the first topic, the St John’s College Review.


St John’s College Review

The Rt Rev Philip Richardson stated that in his view this was a critical opportunity to address issues that have existed in the College for a long time. He outlined some of the governance history of the College. A very comprehensive 3 tikanga review was undertaken and a report prepared some years ago with 17 recommendations and the legislation which flowed from this report legislates for autonomy rather than unity. He explained the way the role of the St John’s College Board of Oversight had developed over recent years and the role played by the Heads of Colleges.

The Rev Canon Jim White stated he believed in the College and the legacy that our forebears had left to the church. Life for most students is good. Most do a theological degree at Otago University and undertake study for a Diploma through the Anglican Studies Programme which focuses on professional development. Jim told members that he should not be labeled a white, conservative priest, as he has in fact had a politically active earlier career. He has been engaged in team ministry and involved in parish ministry with many students who have in earlier years passed through the College. He commented that some members of the Board of Oversight represent interests that lie outside the interests of the College. It cannot manage the Heads of College. He suggests the report does not go far enough but he believes the report must be accepted. He paid tribute to Canon Deborah Broome and Bishop Victoria Matthews who represent the New Zealand Dioceses and who have worked extraordinarily hard against great odds.

The Rt Rev Richard Ellena spoke as a member of Te Kotahitanga. The St John’s College Trust Board has sought a strategic plan for a body which has no vision. There is a lack of communication between the St John’s College Board of Oversight and Te Kotahitanga. Matters came to a head last year which resulted in the appointment of The Rt Rev Sir Paul Reeves as Commissioner to manage the current Commission of Enquiry in Relation to the Structure of the College of St John the Evangelist. As a member of Te Kotahitanga representing the New Zealand Dioceses, he said Te Kotahitanga is supportive of the report.

Dioceses caucused to discuss the issues raised by the speakers and reported back as follows:

Dunedin is in favour of adopting the report. The problem is considered to be one of personalities. A key issue is who is appointed Commissioner and the powers this person is granted.

Christchurch there are flaws in the report but the Diocese is supportive of the next step as outlined in the report.

Nelson is supportive of the report and supportive that Motion 18 be an Order of the Day as timetabled.

Wellington strongly supports the report and suggested that the problems are structural, political and personal.

Waikato agrees with the report and commented that the Trust Deed means that the College could not legally be closed

Waiapu is committed to a three Tikanga process and the hope is that the report will be supported by Te Kotahitanga

Auckland commented that at General Synod we will vote on this motion but this is really a small picture of a greater problem we face as a Church.

Conference adjourned at 12.15 pm for Lunch

Conference resumed at 1.30 pm in the Emerald Ballroom with the Rt Rev Victoria Matthews in the Chair

General Synod Motion 18 Resource Sharing

This motion asks the New Zealand Dioceses to reorganize their own resources and affairs and to revisit their trusts and enter into a partnership in mission with Te Pihopatanga o Aotearoa that will address a shortage of stipendiary ministry at ground level. Another issue is the legal authority to establish college units on the St John’s College site. Archbishop David Moxon outlined the history behind this latter request which was the subject of much debate at the 1996 General Synod.

Anthony Hill warned that courtesy in any conversations that take place is going to be very important during debate at General Synod on this motion. After listening to the initial debate, the New Zealand Dioceses will be able to caucus to consider a collective response and way forward.

How can we address issues of concern that were identified in the various reports ?

Mr Graeme Elvin expressed his concern that many serious issues raised by reports had not been addressed at the meeting. In particular he referred to comments made by the Rt Rev Kelvin Wright as he concluded his report from the Diocese of Dunedin. He asked what avenues there were, outside the Inter Diocesan Conference, for exploring issues as a Tikanga.


MOTION: The Most Rev David Moxon

THAT this Inter Diocesan Conference expresses its appreciation and thanks to the host partner and all who have contributed to the success of this Inter Diocesan Conference.


In moving this motion, Archbishop David Moxon, particularly thanked the Chaplain to the Inter Diocesan Conference, the Rev Blake Ramage whose ministry had been especially appreciated. He thanked those who had managed the logistics of the meeting - the Session Chairs, the data projector operator The Rev Brian Dawson, the Registrars, the Administrative Secretary and Mrs Pat McKay at Holy Trinity who was unstinting in her support. He thanked the Bishop of Waiapu, the Rt Rev David Rice, in whose Diocese the meetings are being held.


Closing Worship was led by the Chaplain to the Inter Diocesan Conference, the Reverend Blake Ramage

The Most Reverend David Moxon closed the Inter Diocesan Conference at 3 pm

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