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Anglican General Synod

Anglican Church in Aotearoa, New Zealand and Polynesia

Te Hāhi Mihinare ki Aotearoa ki Niu Tīreni, ki Ngā Moutere o te Moana Nui a Kiwa

New Books - Bicultural Journey, Explorations in Contextual Theology, Sermons by Archbishop David Moxon, Leadership, and Lenten Studies

From TUIA Anglican General Synod Office, PO Box 87188. Meadowbank, Auckland 1742. 09-5214439

Te Rongopai 1814 'Takoto te pai!'

Bicentenary reflections on Christian beginnings and developments in Aotearoa New Zealand

Te Rongopai book 626.68 kB


Waikarekare - Turbulent waters. The Anglican Bicultural Journey 1814-2014.

Bishop John Bluck


Our Place,Our Voice - explorations in contextual theology

Council for Anglican Women's Studies

Paperback - $20.00 plus p & p


Wings of the Morning – Messages of Hope from Aotearoa in a New Millennium

Archbishop David Moxon

Paperback – $20.00 plus p & p

“Years ago, in Napier, David Moxon came to see me and we talked about his growing sense that God was calling him to be a Priest. It was clear to me that, like Jacob who wrestled through the night, David has struggled but he could now say in the words of the patriarch “For I have seen God face to face and yet my life is preserved.”

“The rest, as we say, is history. David hold high office in the church and he needs no reminder that the Bishop’s cathedra is the seat of a teacher rather than a magistrate. He is there to give a lead, not to give judgements. David is a good teacher because he lives out his own message. “Gospel wisdom” he says “goes deep down into a person’s soul and works itself out in everyday living, even in the most difficult circumstances.”

“David reads widely and he reads wisely. He has this enormous ability to relate spiritual values to human experience. Love prevails in the midst of hate and prejudice. David’s word pictures are very helpful whether it’s the spaciousness, openness and freedom expressed by the large exposed space that is the Church of the Ascension, Bethany, or the experience of Paul Hawker who, in the midlife search for meaning, spent 40 days alone in the Tararuas.

“Each of these sermons is a gem. They range over the affairs of the Diocese of Waikato and Taranaki, and the wider church and community. People have been influenced by them to look at their faith in a new light. My advice is for you to read each sermon, one at a time, digest each carefully, and then read it again.”

Sir Paul Reeves from the Foreword of Wings of the Morning



Stuart Crosson on Leadership - Called to Lead

An Emerging Leaders Curriculum By Stuart Crosson

May be the resource you are looking for.
This is an 18 month course designed for 18-30 year old lay leaders
who are beginning to explore their call from God but needing some training and intentional discipleship.
It covers the following areas:
· God’s Revelation
· Character Formation
· Leadership Formation
· Practical Church Ministry
· Leading in Life
Cost of $19.95 per copy or $15.00 each for 10 copies or more. Plus postage and packaging.
For more information go to ""
or contact ""


Jenny Dawson on Baptismal Theology


Carole Hughes on Lenten Studies
Lenten Studies 1.06 MB

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