History Conference Preparing for the 2014 Bicentenary: Iwi - Christianity - Tauiwi
Date : 27 Nov - 29 Nov
Time : 09:00 am - 17:00 pm
History Conference Preparing for the 2014 Bicentenary: Iwi - Christianity - Tauiwi
Hei Kohikohinga Kōrero mō te Hāhi Karaitiana ki Aotearoa
Re-evaluating Christianity’s Influence in Shaping Aotearoa New Zealand c.1800 to c.1860
Date 27-29 November 2012
27 November – Pōwhiri and Welcome, Te Whare Rūnanga, Waitangi Treaty Grounds, Waitangi, Bay of Islands, 4pm. This will be followed by the Conference Dinner and Opening Addresses at the Copthorne Hotel, Waitangi.
28-29 November - Plenary Sessions, Copthorne Hotel, Waitangi 08.45am - 05.00pm
For further information go to www.gospel2014.org or contact Allan Davidson ak.davidson@auckland.ac.nz
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Hosted by Berry Hill