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Anglican General Synod

Anglican Church in Aotearoa, New Zealand and Polynesia

Te Hāhi Mihinare ki Aotearoa ki Niu Tīreni, ki Ngā Moutere o te Moana Nui a Kiwa

Diocese of Waiapu

Present Bishop

2014 - The Right Reverend Andrew Hedge, BTh

PO Box 227, Napier 4140

Tel: 06 835 8230 (Office), Fax: 06 835 0680



Jurisd - Eastern portion of the North Island of NZ bounded by 176 degrees longitude, west at Lake Taupo to Mount Ruapehu and the Ruahine Range to gorge of Manawatu River, thence eastward to South side of Cape Turnagain, containing 42,004 sq.kms. Census Pop: 473,994 (2013); Ch Pop: 5,499 (2013); Description of Arms (Woodward), Azure a saltire argent, on a canton the arms of Auckland.

Former Bishops

1859 - W Williams, 1876

1877 - E C Stuart, 1894

1895 - W I Williams, 1909

1910 - A W Averill, 1914

1914 - W W Sedgwick, 1929

1930 - H V Williams, 1937

1938 - G V Gerard, 1944

1945 - G C Cruickshank, 1946

1947 - N A Lesser, 1971

1971 - P A Reeves, 1979

1979 - R V Matthews, 1983

1983 - P G Atkins, 1990

1990 - M J Mills, 2002

1989 - GHD Connor, 2005 (Bishop in the Bay of Plenty)

 2002 – J W Bluck, 2008

2008 - D W Rice, 2014

Vicar General

The Reverend J Chalmers, MA, BTh 

Deputy Vicar General


Chancellor of the Diocese

Mr E Turbott, LLB (Hons), Notary Public

Waiapu Cathedral, Parish of St John the Evangelist


The Very Reverend Ian Render

PO Box 495, Napier 4140

Cathedral Chapter

The Dean, the Bishop of the Diocese, 2 representatives elected by the Cathedral Parish, 3 Regional clergy or lay representatives, a Civic representative, the Diocesan Registrar, plus 3 others appointed by the Bishop.

Diocesan Registrar

Mrs Colleen Kaye

Telephone: 06 834 0377


Diocesan Ministry Educator

The Reverend Canon D Broome 

PO Box 227, Napier 4140 


Diocesan Administration Centre

Anglican Diocese of Waiapu

Waiapu Anglican Centre, Cnr Raffles & Bower Streets, Napier 4110

PO Box 227, Napier 4141, Telephone: 06 835 8230 Website: http:/

Finance Manager: Ms Tracy O'Shaughnessy

Chief Executive Officer, Anglican Care Waiapu: Lucy Laitinen

Chairpersons of the three Regional Executives

The Reverend Stephen Donald (Eastland)

The Reverend Paul Williamson (Bay of Plenty)

The Reverend David van Oeveren (Hawkes Bay)

Emeritus Appointments

The Reverend Canon Tim Delaney, BA, MDiv (Hons)

The Reverend Canon Bruce White, BA, LTh


Hereworth School (Preparatory School for Boys) 

Te Mata Rd, Havelock, PO Box 8074, Havelock North 4157, Tel: 06 877 8138 

Mr T Barman – Headmaster 

Woodford House School (Preparatory School for Girls)  

Iona Rd, Havelock North 4157, Tel: 06 870 0700 

St Matthew’s Primary School, Eastbourne Street West, PO Box 824, Hastings 4156  

Tel: 06 876 4958 

Mr A Eagle, DipTchg – Principal 

Cnr Raffles and Bower Street, Napier 4110
PHONE: 06 835 8230

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