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Anglican General Synod

Anglican Church in Aotearoa, New Zealand and Polynesia

Te Hāhi Mihinare ki Aotearoa ki Niu Tīreni, ki Ngā Moutere o te Moana Nui a Kiwa

Diocese of Nelson (click here for details)

Present Bishop

March 2019 - The Rt Reverend Stephen Maina Mwangi

PO Box 100, Nelson 7040

Telephone: Office 03 548 3124



Jurisd ‑ N portion of the South Is of NZ and adjacent Is; Area, 36,231 sq miles; Census Pop: 165,432 (2013); Ch Pop: 22,695 (2013); Inc of See 1000 1 Description of Arms (Woodward) Or, a cross‑Calvary azure, on a canton the arms of Auckland.

Former Bishops

1858 ‑ E Hobhouse, 1864

1866 ‑ A B Suter, 1891

1892 ‑ C O Mules, 1912

1912 ‑ W C Sadlier, 1934

1934 ‑ W C Hilliard, 1940

1940 ‑ P W Stephenson, 1954

1954 ‑ F O Hulme‑Moir, 1965

1965 ‑ P E Sutton, 1990

1990 - D L Eaton, 2006

2007 - V R Ellena, 2018

 Vicar General

The Venerable S Martin, BMin   

Christ Church Cathedral Dean 

The Very Reverend M Hawke 

PO Box 657, Nelson 7040 

Chancellor of the Diocese

Mr J M Fitchett, LLB

Diocesan Executive Secretary and Registrar

Mrs A.A.Fraser, LLB, LLM (Hons)


The Anglican Centre

PO Box 100, Nelson, 7040, 48 Halifax Street, Nelson 7010

Tel: 03 548 3124, Fax: 03 548 2125




The Venerable Timothy F Mora, MTh (Hons 1st class), NZCE

Archdeacons Emeritus

The Venerable R E Barrett, BSc (Hons), LTh (Hons) 

The Venerable R P Kingston, BSc, LTh (Hons) 

Regional Deans

The Reverend Joseph Keighley and The Reverend Susan Howarth (Marlborough) 

The Reverend Matt Watts (Mawhera)  

The Reverend Canon Simon Martin (Nelson)  

The Reverend Lynda Moses (Waimea)   


The Reverend Canon Dr G J O’Brien, BSc, MSc, BTh, MTh (Dist), PhD  

The Reverend Canon Simon Martin,  BMin 

Lay Canons

Mrs J A Smith  

Mr S Perris 

Canons Emeritus

The Reverend Canon D A Braddock 

The Reverend Canon D G Gribble 

The Reverend Canon B B Harford 

The Reverend Canon J V Neal 

Lay Canons Emeritus

Mr J D Burrough

Miss J E McHardy

Mr R A Vining

Examining Chaplains

Mrs Mary Ellen O'Reilly

Mr David Allpress

Mr M Ham

Mrs S Ham

The Reverend D M Harrison, BMin

Mrs P Harrison

Mrs N Mora

The Venerable T F Mora, MTh (1st Cl Hons), NZCE

Hospital Chaplains

The Reverend H Lups, BA, DipBS (Nelson Hospital) 

The Reverend C Donaldson, BA, DipTh (Wairau Hospital) 

Bishopdale Theological College, "Bishop Eaton House"

30 Vanguard Street, Nelson 7010, PO Box 347, Nelson 7040

Tel: 03 548 8785

Email: Website:

The Reverend Dr A R Burgess, BSc, BTh, MTh, DPhil – Dean 

The Reverend Dr S M Patterson, BA, BD (Dist), PhD – Dean of Courses & Senior Lecturer 

Dr K Tyler, BTh, PhD – College Director 

The Reverend Canon Dr G J O’Brien, BSc, MSc, BTh, MTh (Dist), PhD – Coordinator of Diocesan Ministry Education 


48 Halifax Street, Nelson
PHONE: 03 548 3124

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