Anglo-Catholic Hui/ Te Hui Katorika o Te Hahi Mihinare

Date : 15 Aug - 17 Aug

Opening mass 6pm Thursday August 15th, closing mass 12.30pm Saturday August 17th.
Everyone is welcome to the fifth Anglo-Catholic hui. The hui is for any Anglican (young or old, lay or ordained) interested in the ministry and mission of the church from an Anglo-Catholic perspective. The hui aims to inspire those from the catholic tradition of Anglicanism to be a positive force for the Gospel and a model for effective mission in Aotearoa New Zealand and Polynesia today.
Bishops, priests, deacons and laypeople will gather in Ōtepoti Dunedin to worship, socialise, encourage each other, learn from each other, challenge each other and have a great time together. We will look to the future and discern how we can best use the riches of the catholic tradition to proclaim the gospel in our context.
You are warmly invited to participate.

Haere mai koutou, huihui tātou, everyone welcome. Please spread the word.

Enquiries: Fr. Michael

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