To find contact details click on the organisational listing below.
Then for further details click on the individual listing below the map or zoom into the map and click on the relevant icon.
Theological College:
Principal/ Manukura: Dr Emily Colgan
Senior Leadership Team:
Tikanga Māori: The Rev’d Te Hira Paenga
Tikanga Pākehā: The Rev’d Jemma Allen (Acting)
Tikanga Pasefika: The Rev'd Dr Frank Smith
Director Academic: Dr Tom Noakes-Duncan (Acting)
Regional Director: The Reverend Lance Lukin
Tel: 04 473 7929 Mob: 022 620 2440
Province of the Pacific
Minister Provincial: Blair Matheson
Social Justice Unit Manager: Ms Kristy Boardman
TUIA, 200 St Johns Road, Meadowbank, Auckland 1742
Tel: 09 521 4439
Commissioner: Rev Chaans Tumataroa-Clarke
Project Manager: Aleshia Lawson
Administrative Secretary: Kat Maxwell
c/- The Diocese of Waikato & Taranaki,
PO Box 21, Hamilton 3240
Tel: 027 280 3629
Chief Executive: Mr Grant Hope
Executive Officer: The Reverend Adrian Skelton
Director: Lesley Snyman
Chaplin: the Rev'd Sapati Tima
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