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Anglican General Synod

Anglican Church in Aotearoa, New Zealand and Polynesia

Te Hāhi Mihinare ki Aotearoa ki Niu Tīreni, ki Ngā Moutere o te Moana Nui a Kiwa

Special Days


Waitangi Day Service - February 6 - 2013 Liturgy from Waitangi

2013 Liturgy 716.11 kB


World Day of Prayer 2021


Bicentenary 2014 Service, General Synod/ Te Hinota Whanui, Oihi Bay, 12 May 2014


Wesley Day Material - March 3, or May 24, or the Sunday nearest.

The Anglican-Methodist Covenant

Covenant 171.92 kB



A sermon on Christian Unity by Bishop John Bluck


Resources for Wesley Day Sunday - March 3 (Anglican), or May 24 (Methodist, and Covenant Signing Day), or nearest Sunday


Background Notes for a Wesley Day Sermon

Sermon Notes 17.60 kB


Wesley Day Hymns

Wesley Day Hymns 14.95 kB


Childrens Resources

For Children 15.27 kB


A Eucharistic Prayer


Week of Prayer for Christian Unity (Ascension to Pentecost)

2023 Resources

2021 Resources

See here: 


2020 Resources:

2020 Liturgy 877.81 kB

2019 Resources:

Liturgy 1 513.02 kB
Liturgy 2 514.11 kB
Prayers 1 26.45 kB
Prayers 2 17.27 kB

2018 Resources:

2018 1.49 MB
2018 638.87 kB
Liturgy 79.01 kB
Liturgy 1 691.87 kB
Liturgy II 436.08 kB
Prayers 14.67 kB
A Prayer 22.40 kB
Resources 14.23 kB

See 2017 resources here:

Unity Resources 270.06 kB
Unity Liturgy 373.98 kB


Asia Sunday - recommended to be celebrated in this Church after Pentecost as suits local custom - click below for some resources from CCA. (Contact General Synod Office for the Hymns listed)

Asia Sunday 2021, 16 May 2021 - CCA Resources


Asia Sunday 2019 - CCA Resources -


Asia Sunday CCA 2018 -


Te Pouhere Sunday - is the second Sunday after Pentecost, and is the day on which this Church celebrates it's Constitution / Te Pouhere, which establishes the three Tikanga (cultural streams) of this Church in this Province of Aotearoa New Zealand and Polynesia.

Sentence - Gal 3:28, Lesson - Isa 42: 10-20, Epistle - 2 Cor 5: 14-19 or Acts 10: 34-43,

Gospel - John 15: 9-17, or Matt 7: 24-29, or Luke 6: 46-49, or John 17: 6-26

Post Communion Sentence - Isa 61:1-2a

Click below for some resources:

Prayer of thanks for A New Zealand Prayer Book - He Karakia Mihinare o Aotearoa


Disability Awareness Sunday - 3rd Sunday in June - for resources click links and downloads below

2024 Resources

Some resources, including a video of an example service, are here:


When the 3rd Sunday in June is Te Pouhere Sunday, or another Feast Day, it is recommended Disability Awareness is deferred to 4th Sunday in June or another Sunday.


2017 Resources:


2011 Resources:


A 2016 Sermon:


Refugee Sunday - in the Lectionary the first Sunday in July is designated as the Sunday to remember refugees

Christian World Service has produced a range of resources for Refugee Sunday. Resources are now available on the CWS Website:

Like many people you are likely disturbed by the daily reports of people risking their lives on sea journeys and continued conflict, especially in the Middle East. Join in prayer and action for refugees.

Bishop John Bluck has kindly written a reflection asking us to consider our responsibilities as Christians to refugees. There are worship resources for Refugee Sunday, including reflections on the readings, stories and prayers, including a PowerPoint, and activity sheet for children. All these materials can be downloaded from (scroll down the page to find Refugee Sunday Worship Resources).


Strandz website also has some links and ideas for Refugee Sunday:


Sea Sunday - in the Lectionary the second Sunday in July, or another Sunday by local custom

In 2013 on Sunday 14 July, and resources are now available on the Sea Sunday website.


Social Services Sunday - 4th Sunday in July

Ps 72:1-7; 146:5-10, Micah 6:8-12, James 2:14-17, Matt 25:31-45

Take a fresh look at Social Services Sunday this year by inviting to church a range of people from your local community who serve others through different organisations that support that infrastructure of care within our communities.

Take the opportunity to say thanks to the people in your local community and recognise the efforts of those beyond.

Resources for this day are available below.


Hiroshima Day (1945) and World Peace Day - August 6

Resources for Peace Sunday (nearest to Hiroshima Day) are provided by CWS - Christian World Service - see here:

Also see our FAS - For All the Saints - for Prayers and Readings for 'The Peace of the World'.


International Day of Older Persons - October 1

Resources by the UN available here:


AOTEAROA SUNDAY (The Sunday next before Advent).

GSTHW 1980 - 'The Sunday next before Advent be designated 'Aotearoa Sunday' as a day of prayer and thanksgiving for the work of the Bishopric of Aotearoa'.


Te Hahi Maori - he korero poto / A brief history of the Maori Church, from Te Kaupapa Tikanga Rua: Bi-cultural Development, 1986, Church of the Province of New Zealand.

Diglot version 1.29 MB


Maori text 699.72 kB


English text 622.50 kB


Advent Sunday 2019 - 30th Anniversary of ANZPB-HKMOA.


Advent Sunday - a joint Anglican / Roman Catholic Service - click below for the liturgy

The Southern Cross Advent Candle used in this liturgy

Southern Cross Advent candles

Available from:

Fr Yvan Sergy (a member of ARCCANZ), St Mary Star of the Sea, Campion Road, PO Box 844, GISBORNE 4040 PH: (06) 867 7224, email:


A discussion resource - Church as Communion - from the Anglican - Roman Catholic Dialogue - click below


40th Anniversary of Womens Ordination to Priesthood - 3 December 1977 (Dec 2017)

Pasefika tune 394.00 kB


World War I Centenary (2014-2018) Sample Services

1. Holy Trinity Cathedral, Auckland, August 3, 2014

Service Sheet 1.06 MB

Sermon and Address here:


2. St Paul's Cathedral, Dunedin, September 21, 2014

(Note the 'Call to Worship' was written especially for the occasion by the Dean, The Very Rev'd Dr Trevor James).

Service Sheet 781.91 kB


3. Church of England Resources


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